Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification)
Creating PGM Files for Autopurification Samples

The purification process includes three steps. Therefore, three different PGM Files are required for

  1. Pre-analysis of the preparative samples

  2. Fraction collection

  3. Post-analysis of the collected fractions

No special PGM Files are required for steps 1 and 3. For step 2, use the PGM Wizard to create a program for fraction collection. Follow the steps in Collecting Fractions  Setting up Fraction Collection.

The Dionex_Purificiation_Parameters device driver supports additional parameters. For more information, refer to:

 Setting the General Parameters for the Dionex_Purification_Parameters Driver

 Setting the Safety Parameters

 Setting the Correction Parameters (Settings Panel)


For an overview of how to perform Autopurification, refer to  Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification).